Social Media in 2020

The last decade has seen social media solidify into thriving, multifaceted communities where more than 3.2 billion people worldwide are active daily. More than 90 percent of millennials regularly use at least one of these platforms, and more than 85 percent of Generation Zers learn about new products through social media. It’s not hard to see why nearly three-fourths of marketers believe social media is an effective part of their business. Roseville Social Media experts share some tips for success in 2020.

Don't Focus Only on the Big Guys

Facebook and Instagram have long dominated social media as the largest and most popular platforms. However, in recent years, several other niche social media platforms have not only emerged but have significantly risen to fame.

TikTok, for example, is one such platform that started in 2016 and immediately gained popularity among youth. B2B companies prefer LinkedIn for their social media initiatives, while the gaming community flocks to Twitch. There are several such alternative social media platforms that are gaining popularity and will continue doing so in 2020 and beyond.

Connect with Micro Influencers

Working with social media influencers to promote your brand isn’t a new concept, but the way brands are choosing to work with influencers is shifting in a new direction. Gone are the days of famous celebrities talking about products to help engage audiences. The future is with micro-influencers. In 2020, set your efforts on targeting everyday people with growing social media followings — 3,000 to 50,000 followers. I’ve found that these influencers appear trustworthy to consumers and provide brands the perfect platform to reach further into niche audiences.

Tell a Story

Since their creation in 2016, Instagram Stories have been fast growing, reaching 500 million daily active users by early 2019. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop.

In fact, the company is only making it easier to share your stories with more and more people, adding in the option to share all of your Instagram Stories to Facebook automatically, so that your friends and followers can see them as well.

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