In California, there are 22 district courts who administer workers compensation cases. If you live in Roseville, the nearest district office is in Sacramento.
DWC district office search results
District office serving Roseville CA
Office: Sacramento
Address: 160 Promenade Circle, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95834-2963
Telephone: (916) 928-3101
Info & Assistance Unit: (916) 928-3158
When a claim is denied, it means the claims administrator believes your injury is not covered by workers’ compensation. If the claims administrator sends you a letter denying your claim, you have a right to challenge the decision. Don’t delay, because there are deadlines for filing the necessary papers. If you need help with your workers’ compensation claim, you can contact the Information and Assistance Unit. You may represent yourself or hire an attorney. If you contest the denial of your claim, your case will be heard by a workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) at one of the division's 23 local offices plus satellites.
What if I have a disagreement about my benefits?
At some point during your claim, you or the claims administrator might disagree with what your treating physician reports about your injury or treatment. When there is a disagreement about whether your claim is covered by workers’ compensation, you may be evaluated by a qualified medical evaluator (QME). To qualify as a QME, a physician must meet additional educational and licensing requirements. They must also pass a test and participate in ongoing education on the workers' compensation evaluation process. If you have an attorney, your attorney and your claims administrator might agree on a doctor to resolve medical disputes. This doctor is called an agreed medical evaluator (AME).
For injuries after July 1, 2013 for all dates of injury, disagreements about a specific course of medical treatment recommended by the treating physician can only be resolved through a process called independent medical review (IMR).